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It's a new season and we have a new look!

We hope you enjoy our new look and we will be adding content as we progress through the season. Spring is really trying to get going here in New Jersey but winter isn't finished with us just yet. We are expecting some snow at least one more time this week. Still, Opening Day of the 2018 Trout Season begins later this week, Saturday April 7th at 8am. All state stocked water bodies are closed until the opener with the exception of Trout Conservation Areas (TCA's) such as Point Mountain on the Musky, Ken Lockwood Gorge on the South Branch, Flatbrook TCA and the Pequest TCA are open to catch and release fishing with artificials only.

Remember new regulations are also in effect. Check the new 2018 NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife's Freshwater Fishing Digest for details but here some highlights:

  • North and West of Rt 287 down to Rt 202 all Brook Trout must be released and no Brook Trout may be stocked.

  • All hooks must be barbless in catch and release areas (Ken Lockwood TCA and Flatbrook TCA)

  • Only one set of trebles may be used (three hook points) in these areas.

  • The South Branch of the Raritan above Lake Solitude Dam is now a Brown Trout Conservation Water.

  • In open Trout Stocked Waters, the limit for trout is six fish from April 7th at 8am through May 31st at 9 inches

  • BUT all Brook Trout must be immediately released AND only TWO Brown Trout greater than 12 inches can be retained. The Brown Trout are likely wild fish.

  • If you want to keep some trout, the state is stocking thousands of Rainbow Trout.

(908) 867-8067

©2023 Califon Fly & Tackle, LLC dba South Branch Outfitters

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