Another school year has come and gone and with grades handed in and my classroom put into mothballs for a couple of months, I headed to the stream with one of my oldest friends and fishing companions, Bruce Frigeri. We've been fishing together for I can't remember how long - I went to his wedding and watched his kids grow up. Both of his boys Ben and Alex are at TCNJ which means mission accomplished for parents. We have been prospecting different areas along the river and have been pleased by the numbers of bugs and trout available. Tonight we saw a few Sulphurs and more Light Cahill spinners and duns along with some beautiful Isonychia, one of my favorite mayflies. We both noticed that the water remained quite cold especially about six inches below the water's surface; the springs are happy which is also good for the fish.
The Hatches as of 6/16/2018
Morning until 11am:
Little Sister Sedge Cheumatopsyche spp. Hendryville Special #18, JK's Caddis #18 Olive Soft Hackle #18
Summer Blue Quill Paraleptoplebia mollis Blue dun #18-20, Blue Quill #18-20, Adams #18 RS2 Grey #18-20
Late Morning - Afternoon 11am until 4pm:
Late Afternoon-Dusk:
Slate Drake aka. Iso. Isonychia bicolor Iso Dun or Parachute #12 Iso Emerger #12, Iso Nymph, Prince or Zug Bug #12
Light Cahill Stenacron interpunctatum, ithaca, canadense Light Cahill #12-16 Hare's Ear Nymph #12-16
Pink Cahill Epeorus vitreus Sulphur #14