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Summer Heat Wave

It's been really a beautiful month all things considered. Conditions were excellent for much of the month of June. Hatches were respectable, the Sulphur hatch held over from May. Caddis and the Light Cahills and Isonychia hatched in decent numbers. River levels were much improved over the last couple of years. Now, as we head into July, the first prolonged heat of the season will arrive. It looks like several 90 degree days coming up. When the water reaches 70 degrees it becomes unhealthy for the trout to be caught and released. They need lots of oxygen which depletes as temps rise. The fish should be fine as long as we leave them alone under these conditions.

So you still want to fish? The outflow of the Pequest Hatchery maintains cold water year round at the Pequest Trout Conservation Area (TCA). There are a number of smaller spring creeks where the water should stay cool but even there in the absence of shade, waters will warm. Pennsylvania are certainly an option. Warm water fish such as Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are an exciting option on local waters and

downstream of where the trout are resting on the middle and lower reaches of the North and South Branches of the Raritan. The Delaware River should begin to offer quality Smallmouth and Schoolie Striper fishing. Spruce Run Reservoir has Hybrids and Round Valley is a good place to try for quality Smallmouth. Meanwhile, we'll wait for the trout to beat the heat.

(908) 867-8067

©2023 Califon Fly & Tackle, LLC dba South Branch Outfitters

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