Summer can be a tough time for trout. The water warms from long, sunny days and the regular weather systems are replaced by hit or miss thunderstorms. When water temperatures reach 70 degrees, it really becomes tough on the fish and 68 degrees is my cut-off. Why does this all happen? July days are long, the Summer Solstice just passed on June 21st so there is lots of daylight. Also, humidity builds in the summer and this can make it harder for streams to cool off at night. If a stream is likely going to be over 68 degrees for most of a 24 hour cycle it is time to give the trout a rest. Still, there is action in the summer and if conditions allow, anglers can enjoy some nice action. Mornings are often the most consistent times to fish for trout in the summer. Why? Because it is definitely the coolest part of the day. Tricos are tiny size 20-24 mayflies that are active early in the morning at this time of year and the fish seek them out. You may also see Summer Blue Quills Paraleptophlebia mollis which are also small #18-20 on the water. This is a good time for morning hatches of Spotted Sedge Hydrospyche spp. commonly known as Tan Caddis. Although Yellow Drake Ephemera varia and Light Cahill Stenacron spp. will be active in the evening on cooler nights, this is a good time of year for terrestrials namely ants, beetles and hoppers. It is a good idea to have some of these patterns in your fly box at this time of year.