Happy Easter and Passover! We will be open Easter Sunday from 9am until 1pm. April is certainly living up to its reputation of being a bit on the rainy side but spring is definitely blooming. Every day is just a little greener and that is indeed a welcome sight. Hendrickson and Grannom hatches dominated the action especially the Hendricksons earlier in the week. Grannom Caddis hatches are building with an excellent hatch on the Musky last weekend. I expect to see some of this action continuing this week and there still should be some Hendrickson and even a few Quill Gordon spinners on the water at dusk.
I expect that we are going to move into what John Collins and I call the "Tweener Time" soon. This is the time between major mayfly hatches as the Hendricksons dwindle and before the Sulphurs start hatching in early May. The focus here will be on smaller mayflies like the Blue Quill Paraleptophlebia adoptiva and several Baetis species. It's time to make sure you have a few Grey RS2 Emergers in your box along with Pheasant Tail nymphs in sizes 16-20. I like to also make sure I have Adams and Blue Wing Olive patterns with me if I see mayfly activity that generally begins by around 1pm and lasts until late afternoon. Grannom caddis will continue to be abundant and they will likely be joined by Hydropsyche caddis in the coming days known otherwise as the Spotted Sedge or Tan Caddis. Probably my favorite part of this hatch is the emerger or pupa stage and one of the most effective flies is the LaFontaine's Sparkle Emerger in sizes 14-16. Make sure to have a few Tan Elk Hair Caddis and Henryville Specials (for the Grannom) in the fly box as the caddis hatches are prolific in New Jersey.
Local Hatches 4/20/2019:
Hendrickson Ephemerella subvaria Light Hendrickson/ Red Quill #12-14, Hare's Ear 12-14, Hendrickson Emerger #14
Grannom Brachycentrus numerosus & B. fuliginosus Peacock Elk Hair Caddis #14-18, Henryville Special #14-16, JK's Caddis Pupa #14-16, Cased Caddis #14, Partidge and Peacock Soft Hackle #16-18, John Kavanaugh's Grannom Emerger #16
Blue Quill Paraleptophlebia adoptiva Blue Quill #16, Blue Dun #16, Adams Parachute #16, Grey RS2 #16, Pheasant tail #16
Spotted Sedge Hydropsyche spp. Tan Elk Hair Caddis #14-16, Green Rockworm or JC's Electric Caddis #14-18, LaFontaine's Sparkle Pupa #14-16