As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to thank of all of you for supporting the shop and the blog which is part of our new website. We're still working on a couple of things and I have to apologize for creating some confusion regarding the fly tying schedule. Next Sunday is December 1st and due to a local parking conflict (the Califon Volunteer Firehouse has a monthly egg & pancake breakfast which is pretty darn good) parking is at a premium so we offer Sunday tying on the second, third and fourth Sundays of every month from November through March. Well since November is almost over, it will be December and our next Sunday Fly Tying will be December 8th. I am working on our shop calendar and will hopefully have it up to date this week. Len Ruggia will be starting his Saturday Beginner Class this coming Saturday, November 30th. Look for updates on the Sunday guest tyers and as you've come to expect, the lineup will be names you'll recognize.
Many of us are looking forward to a couple of days off from work this week and I'm certainly going to get out and fish. The rivers are dropping after yesterday's rain but we needed it. Look for solid nymphing and streamer conditions over the course of the coming week. Egg and sucker spawn patterns should be effective in the higher flows but don't neglect those midges - trout love them. Caddis larva and scuds are also prime winter trout foods.
This week's patterns, the RS2 and Walt's Worm and the Sexy Walt's Worm from Tim Flagler are certain to help put a few fish in the net this time of year! Congratulations again to Tim for his association with Fly Tyer magazine! Also through December 18th, 2019, Winston Fly Rods is offering a free personal inscription program, a $50.00 value with a purchase of a new rod, a beautiful holiday gift idea. Call or e-mail us at for details.